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Any thoughts on Cel Collector Age Range (Tue Aug 31 06:25:19 2004 )
Aging [View profile ]

I am curious as to around what is the average age 
that people start collecting cels.  Although I 
know that there is no age limit to the cel 
collecting but it does make you wonder (that or I 
have nothing better to do)

How long have you guys/girls been collecting?  
When did you start collecting?

It seems that lately there has been a wave of 
sales (at least to me).  So probably these 
collectors are aging, therefore cel collecting 
has not been their priority (they have more 
important things to deal with - work, family, 
kids).  Thus they are selling off their 
collections either to raise money or switch 
hobbies or lack of interest.  Maybe there are 
more departures from the hobby than new cel 
addicts.  Occupation (student vs. full time 
worker) I feel sometimes seem to factor in the 
prices because of ability to pay/buy cels.  Thus 
the possible correlation in market prices maybe 
due to who's collecting and the resources 
available to those buying.  Perhaps cel 
collecting is going thru one of those 
restructuring phases.

Any thoughts?  Wonders how old the people are on 
these forums?  

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