most of the regulars have moved to other boards,
like beta, (we had a really fun contest a few
weeks ago didn't we? ^__^)
this board was good but now it has become what
some people calls "angermanga"..... It's still the
good board to announce sales though (yeah, it's
sad but it's the truth).
However the keeptrack service is still appreciated
(when it works).....
Anyway, the only reason why i still come here is
because of a cel dealer that announces his updates
here and i really do not want to miss those
updates.... however i stopped replying to messages
because seems that whatever you say is going to
start a flamewar.... Lets cross fingers and hope
this one doesn't wake up the anger of people....
on a side note, another reason for people
switching to other boards is because new boards
are ussually implemented with php and are more
user friendly. |