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**BIGHUGS** (Fri Jul 19 19:52:25 2002 )
evilminion (nli) [View profile ]

Thanks to you wonderful people, over half of the
looming vet bill is now taken care of, and I hope
you all really love your new cels.  :)  Thank you
thank you thank you!

And an even bigger thank-you (with hugs and
skritches) for all the concern, information,
advice, and cat anecdotes you've posted and sent.
 I know I'm goobish about my boys, but they're
just like children to me -- cats are the only kids
I'm ever going to have.  :)  And yes, they get
into all kinds of trouble, and they're very
demanding, and they have embarrassing personal
habits (*apologizes again to Japester for last
weekend's little hair-licking incident*), and
there's something truly unpleasant about finding a
hairball in your sandal in the morning, and
goodness knows Clive is dumber than a bag of
hammers... and I'd just do anything to keep the
little guys happy and healthy.

And it's great to know that other people out there
feel the same about their own "kids."  :)  I'm a
stressy little thing right now, but at least I
don't feel alone.

And that deserves the biggest thank-you of all.  :)

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