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Re: Beware of this person (cel sellers) and a question... (Wed Mar 9 19:11:22 2005 )
olivier nli [View profile ]


This is the kind of message that irritates me.
I imagine the same thing happening to me. I 
would be pissed-off for sure. But would I post 
the name and email address of the person on a 
public forum ? No.
I do believe you, this guy certainly did this 
silly thing and I hope he gets kicked off Ebay 
for it, but I don't think that giving his name 
to all of us is a responsible behaviour either.
Now I know there is a tradition of giving 
people's names in the cel community. Some cel 
dealers even have a black list of 
customers who did not pay for their orders on 
their website, but this is no excuse.
This is called libel or slander, and this is 
against the law.

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