Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Re: Oh! A clarification (Fri Aug 16 00:43:39 2002
Lady Brick [View profile
If I sold my fancels in terms of how much time
and supplies cost me, I don't think they'd sell,
because the price would be too high ^^;;
Depending on the fancel, I usually spend maybe 10-
20 hours on (the paint I have I usually have to 3-
5 coats), and going by minimum wage... well, you
get the picture. All the fancels I've sold on
eBay have gotten exactly one bid, and none sold
for more than $30. And I always offered them on
the forum first, with no takers. So if I was out
to make boatloads of easy money, I'm obviously in
the wrong game. Make a GOOD fancel takes a lot
of time, hard work, and not-cheap supplies...
it's nothing like burning copies of a DVD.
Before you refer to them as "bootlegging" or
similar, I would suggest trying to paint one
yourself and see how long and how many tries it
takes you to do one that could even reasonably be
passed off as a real cel to the uneducated. |
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