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I haven't faced such thing before, but.... (Sun Nov 10 09:05:50 2002 )
Cyan [View profile ]

But I did sent mail to the fist-place bidder!

Actually, this case is like this:
The auction is a set of GW cels, but as I just 
want one of them (jsut one Quatre among the 
group), my Max bid on the auction wasn't very 
high as result. And it turned out that another 
person(a Heero cel collector) won the auction.
So I mail the auction winner directly and ask if 
she can part the Quatre cel to me, and she agrees.
So, finally, we both got what we want.(I got my 
Quatre, and she got her Heero at a lower cost!)

I think it's ok to mail the auction winner if you 
are came for no harms, right?

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