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Re: How do you organize your cels on your website? (Tue Nov 19 03:35:50 2002 )
ryoendymion [View profile ]

hi hi!
wel... i usually collect from series by chracters 
so i organize by character... except for my 
slayers section, which is separated by season and 
then organized by ep. cause i collect slayers 
focusing on the storyline as well as the 

then within the chracter section, i like to place 
similar cels next to each other in some 
chronological order - like for my chiba mamoru 
cels, i have chibi mamoru then mamoru then tuxedo 
kamen then prince endymion then king endymion... 
now that i think about it, it's kinda odd 
chronological order isn't it?... since they don't 
appear in that order :P... hehe

course, that doesn't hold true for all the 
sections, sometimes it's whatever looks best, 
expecially when i have oversized cels that need 
to fit in somewhere along with the regualr sized 


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