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How do you organize your cels on your website? (Mon Nov 18 06:02:19 2002 )
rekka [View profile ]

I've been going back and forth a little bit, 
trying to decide which I like better, organizing 
cels according to their sequence (episode #, 
etc), or by character.  I'm a complete freak 
when it comes to correct chronological order, so 
I've almost all of the time organized my cels 
according to episode # and when they appear 
within that episode.  So, I guess my question to 
all of you guys is how do you like to categorize 
your cels on your pages?  Are you a 
chronological freak like me, or doesn't that 
bother you at all?  lol  Oh, and be sure to tell 
me why you feel compelled categorizing your 
things the way you do!  =D  This may or may not 
be fun......  lol


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