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Re: How do you organize your cels on your website? (Mon Nov 18 16:54:38 2002 )
Keys [View profile ]


I organize my gallery to feature a handful of 
series with a misc section to show cels that 
aren't in a currently featured series.  I decide 
what gets featured based on what I like, how many 
cels I have from it, and whether I want 
to 'advertise' it, among other reasons.

On a page by page basis, I try to get some sort 
of harmony of colors and size.  I also keep an 
eye on the directionality of the cel images but 
sadly I don't have enough cels to make this work 
perfectly.  I guess I'll just have to buy more 

When I'm able to, I like to theme each page too 
("sad cels", "dark cels", "flashback cels", "cels 
that show the evolving relationship of these two 
characters", "solid shots of main chars", "minor 
chars", "light spoilers").  This is more true in 
the featured galleries.

I give the option of browsing by series 
completely (no misc) as an 'extra' though.


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