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Re: How do DBZ collectors feel these daysl? What happened?! (Sat Dec 7 23:20:12 2002 )
piccolokane [View profile ]

I still enjoy DBZ, but I have moved on to 
collecting from other series.  I just haven't 
seen any cels from DBZ that I had to have.  I've 
always wanted a cel of Kooler in his 4th form, 
but the prices I see are just more than I would 
like to spend, so someday if I see one with a 
price I can afford, I'll probably get one.  I 
don't feel that I've wasted money on any of my 
cels from DBZ or GT, and I still love them as 
much today as when I first bought them.  I don't 
plan on selling any of them ever.  I've realized 
there's more out there than DBZ and it's good to 
check out other anime's, but that's just my 
opinion!  :)

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