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How do DBZ collectors feel these daysl? What happened?! (Sat Dec 7 00:30:17 2002 )
E [View profile ]

What I mean is, I have been looking over some DBZ 
auctions lately of character cels (out of 
curiosity) that last year or so would have sold 
for several hundreds, and if Super Saiyan, Trunks 
or Vegeta cels, sometimes thousands of dollars. 
Recently, I see similar cels of these characters 
not even breaking the hundred-dollar mark! What 
has happened!? That is an incredible statistic!

Do you feel that you wasted lots of money on your 
(Trunks collectors especially!) OR---
Have DBZ cel collectors packed up shop and moved 
on to new territory or given up collecting all 
together? Was Yann's prophecy fulfilled!! He said 
a long time ago that DBZ was only a passing 
fad,,, It seems that he may be right? Any 
opposing views on this?

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