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Re: On making a gallery... different view (Sat Feb 1 07:17:31 2003 )
ladyhipoo [View profile ]

1. Page Write ups
      Well, I sometimes read these...depends on 
my mood and how much they have written.

2. Specific cel write-ups
I ALWAYS read these!! My real favorites are the 
ones with the witty comments. I just wish I could 
come up with witty comments for my cels :(   

3. Watermarking cels
   I watermark my cels...BUT... I have a 
different reason than the ones I've seen given.. 
(Well an added reason) Image theft is an issue. 
But my main reason is because for years before I 
made a gallery & even before I started collecting 
actual cels I would visit cel galleries and often 
saved images I liked. I often use them as my 
desktop wallpaper :) Anyway I found something 
great the ones with the URL stamped on them made 
my life easier! I would be looking through my 
pictures & wonder "has this cel owner updated 
their gallery? I really like the cels they had." 
now the ones with no mark left me frustrated as I 
tried to remember where they came from :(  So now 
as odd as it sounds if I visit a gallery that 
doesn't mark the cels...I MARK them when I 
download them!

4. Categorizing
  Yup by show and>or character is the best.

  As mentioned by others... download time.

Well hope this helps you *v*

Best Wishes,

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