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Re: Just sent them an e-mail. . . . (Tue Feb 4 03:28:42 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

I have had promblems in the past with people
copying my Ebay auctions and whenever I contacted
them directly, they practically filled up my Email
system with profanity and threats.  So I nromally
just contact Ebay directly.  

Anyway, I just sent them an e-mail and was very
polite about it too.  Will see what happens.

And I totally agree that fan cels should only be
commission based or for hobby only.  When I spoke
with the cel artist, I requested that he told me
that he could commission a cel of a character that
I liked in an Anime, but ONLY so long as I will
never turn around and try to sell it (which I 100%
agreed).  he very rarely commissions cels for
people since he is so busy (so I was told), but I
managed to "pull a few strings".  :o)

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