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Re: Yet ANOTHER person just copied one of my cels and is reselling iit on Ebay. (Tue Feb 4 02:39:30 2003 )
kaerra [View profile ]

I saw the cel you're talking about... that lovely 
Inu/Kikyou kiss cel.  The artist is a 19-year-old 
college kid who may not be aware of the fact that 
what he/she is doing is illegal.  Have you tried 
contacting him/her?  I might suggest you take that 
step first and see how things go.  If you get a 
bad reception, by all means you should definitely 
go after the seller, IMO.  Fan cels should be 
commission-based only, I think, and I find it 
really irritating when people sell them on ebay, 
since I'll see the pic and think, "wow, look at 
that cel!" thinking it's the real deal... 

Anyway, best of luck with this!


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