I saw 2 of my Ryoko cels being copied by an Ebay
Fan Art seller....blantant rip offs...no
originality what-so-ever. I contated them
basicly stating "Take them down or I'll report
the auction to Safeharbor."
They were taken down.
Talk with the auctioneer first. If they don't
take it down themselves then report it. Chances
are Ebay will take the auction down.
And a note to any Fan Cel artists out there.
Don't even think about copying my cels. Legal
or not, ethical or not....I don't care. I will
make it hell for you to sell them. Want to make
a copy for yourself (not for resale) as a test
of your skill, thats very cool with me. I'm
just sick of having to "hide" my gallery cause
of these jerks.
I respect the artists out there that do good
original work....but don't go ripping off
images. It should be obvious by now that most
collectors don't want their items copies. Like
I said, legal or not doesn't matter, you take
something away from the original owner when you
do it.