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I remember when they were going to air outlaw star . . . (Mon Feb 17 05:17:21 2003 )
babeyj69 [View profile ]

I thought i would get in on cel's before the show 
actually aired.  I bought a few genes and a few 
azuka's.  Seven decent cel's in all from good 
dealers who had cel's sitting on their sites for 
about a year.

I was originally thinking of keeping them all but 
i decided to get rid of them on ebay.  I got 
around 300 for them and all because of Cartoon 

I live in a small town were the anime titles are 
limited in the video rental stores and even in 
the local music/video stores so a lot of the 
anime i see comes from cartoon network as does 
multitudes of other viewers.  I hadn't ever seen 
inuyashi before it was aired and i love it now.  
I only got one cel from the show recently.

Don't get me wrong outlaw star wasn't bad it just 
isn't one of my favorite shows.  I can't buy 
cel's from series i haven't seen.  You know what 
you like after you watch a show and say you buy 
twenty cels from something and then hate the 
show, or worse you get cel's of a character you 
don't like or from scenes that aren't your 
favorite.  You can always resell them but it is 
much more exciting hunting for cels you really 
want when you really want them . . . blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, , ,

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