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Re: Question..Is Vhd_link a deputy service? If so, which one? (nt) (Sun Mar 23 08:53:13 2003 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Hmm, I just wanted to add my two cents in here.  
I must say I get a lot more nervous seeing the 
vhdlink ID than the doujinbox ID.  I know a lot 
of people use Rinkya, and man, the bids have 
been high lately.  It has scared me off of a lot 
of cels...(cough-cough Inuyasha, -cough cough-)  
Either way though, I wouldnt let it intimidate 
you too much.  I have won items where both IDs 
were bidding.  It just depends on how many 
people want the item...  Im glad Im not after 
many cels these days.  I'll stick to stuffies 
and costumes, haha.  With cels becomming more 
rare in the industry, and more and more people 
using the dep services, the bids are going to be 
high regardless of which service is bidding.

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