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Re: Open Poll to All! Please add your comments (Thu Apr 3 21:00:06 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

Oh, what an interesting Poll!  Here are my

1.  The reason why I have been selling a few is
because I recently came across some very high
grade withlist cels (4 actually) and I am selling
off my duplicates/ones I am not "crazy" about to
pay off for them.  That is usually the case when
you find a wishlist cel . . . they all seem to
show up at one time!!

2.  Right now, we are at war and according to
recent statistics, people have been buying much
less from Retail stores such as Wal-Mart, etc.  A.
 Me personally, the war had no affect on my
spending (actually, I bought all my wish cels
BEFORE the war started).  B.  It didn't affect the
way I look at cels even though I do have a brother
who is currently in the Marines and "may" be sent
to the Middle East at any given time.

3.  I see it the way I see Disney cels.  It can go
either way.  Those "special" cels from
series/scenes that had a great impact on the Anime
Industry (such as Evangelion) will appreciate in
value while the not so important cels would
decline in value.  That is typically what happens.
 Ex, the Disney production cels such as from
Mickey's Steamboat which revolutionized the
cartoon industry will always be valuable whereas
cels from the more recent Disney shows of Donald
Duck/Mickey, tend to deppreciate in value with
time since they are more common (that is what I
observed at least).  Thsi is also one of the
reasons why I am trying to just keep the primo
cels of my collction because I never intend to
sell them.  So they would never decline in value!!  :)

4).  I have always collected in my hobbies on my
own.  The only other "apprentice" I had was my mom
and she never really got into Anime like I did. 
So I started off with not knowing anyone and have
quite a few friends that I met.  I have only been
collection since May 2002.  So I am still
considered "new" to thsi hobby, I suppose.

Star Phoenix

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