The fancel artist should ALWAYS sign their work,
but putting it somewhere noticeable can prove
rather difficult, because of the buyer. Lots of
people don't want a signature on the front for
some reason...So, it can get tricky. Some sign
their work on the back, and if punks like that
auctioneer get ideas, well it's going to give
them all the better chance to get away with it.
I'd really like fancel artists to sign the front
of the image, under the paint in a corner. They
could etend the image somehow to be able to add
their signature. Doing that would make it more
difficult for people to sell as originals. And
if they try some hairbrain scheme to cut that
portion off the cel...Well...Anyone will be able
to recognize that.
But...There's lots of possibilities and outcomes
with this matter. I just think people need to be
on their toes in the community and if they see
stuff like this going on...Inform everyone
through this board. Trust me, proper steps will
be taken to make sure the problems resolved.
Just to show what I mean by putting their
signature under the paint...
Here is my fav. artist Gwen's work. She signed
her name under the pain withing the image in the
lower left corner, and then what is even
spiffier, she signed her name in kanji under the
guys arm to blend in with the rest of the scene.
Pretty spiffy, ne?