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Re: Well let me just say... ^-^ (Fri Apr 25 09:28:47 2003 )
E-N-J [View profile ]

Well, since I kinda posted the first "information"
about the VHD cel "problem", I feel a need to respond.

I personally like Anime-link and the nice cels
that they have to offer that I personally like
very much, the GUNNM cels (pricey as they are) for
sale, and I have indeed bought a few cels from him
and the service was excellent.

I have no complaints with his prices or quality of
cels offered which both tend to be high, but in

I also don`t see him in a bad light or in a
negative way because he was promised a right as a
distributor, sign contracts, spent money, and he
is trying to secure those rights as much as
possible. That`s business. BUT...

But here, we have a tactical issue. A policy issue
gone awry in my opinion, that should be
re-examined at face value.

It is an attempt to start a chain reaction:

1.) First, there are claims and accusations that
someone has received so-called stolen property
from an anime studio, sold to a anime dealer, and
then unknowingly later sold to a collector (which
perhaps spent the most money of all). And given
that the only accusations to fly are directed at
the retail and consumer level in this process,
then it must be seen as unfair and inaccurate.

2.)  The collector, if honoring these claims, must
cast doubt with businesses (being of good
reputation) for passing on stolen property. 
Losing money and the cel to a claim holder. This
will hurt three parties, the buyer, dealer, and I
argue the distributor (Anime Link) itself.

This will anger the dealer whose business is
largely built off of trust and reputation of good
product. The buyer who has spent money for naught.
And Anime Link which as a distributor holds the
sole resonsibility over the security of the
product to be distributed. It shoots itself in the
foot for blaming others. It must start in-house.
If anyone should face prosecution after the fact,
it should be those "theives" directed related.
That will be the very production company personnel
that a distribution agreement was contracted.

 In my opinion to further extrapolate on this is
the negative impact on the reputations of the
sellers and buyers of these cels that
"unknowingly" have been damaged due to the lack of
security deriving from the production company with
Anime Link has created an agreement. The
proverbial "smoking gun" is being pointed in the
wrong direction. Instead of this campaign to wipe
out, purge, and subjugate the collector and seller
of cels (retail) that found their way out of the
production studio, by production studio thieves,
(according to AL). Then by all means, I argue that
retribution if any should be sought at the scene
of the crime. Settlement should be sought with
those former employees, staff, artist, and whoever
else need be investigated and prosecuted. Where
are the ringleaders? The head-hauncho`s? Why are
accusations of misdeeds aimed at those at the
bottom of the food chain and not at the top? I
think that may be the key issue here. It is an
in-house problem between Rick and his suppliers
and not Rick against the world of collectors.
These proclamations can only backfire on AL, since
the very customers that pay for these items are
collectors. Being mean spirited while selling is
not helping his cause to secure the cels and sell
them for prices that he may be able secure without
all of the threats.


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