I think jinx was justified in her comment, and
knowing her I'm sure she was not trying to police
anyone on this forum, so please don't jump on
her. I think it's great that when a problem
arises with a dealer, it is brought to light on
the forum. but I really think that with the last
thread people got the gist of what they should be
aware of, and now it's up to them to decide
whether to buy from AL or not. this second thread
just ended up starting as pointing and laughing,
not too constructive. if you've taken a stand
against AL, then take it, don't try and shroud
your criticism with praise to help the medicine
go down, so to speak.
I personally have never got this king-dealer-of-
all-cels impression from AL, they have been
nothing but helpful in finding top-notch cels for
me. but I accept that other people have had some
problems when dealing with them, and to reiterate
what I said before it's good that these things
are brought to light.
/Mina |