"the american sensitivity is neither the most common
nor the most fair.
I understand it is common practive in the US to
complain about anything ("customer is king") but
it is not in many other parts of the world."
I'm not so sure that that is that fair of a
statement. I've lived in America an awefully long
time and people are generally not like that. Its
true that business's here go out of their way to
make costomers have a good experience but that
doesn't mean that the american consumer ep[ects
the world. American businesses go out of their
way when dealing with foreign businesses to make
sure things are done as the foreign busnisses
expect yet foreign businesses don't. (I work in
international business and deal with mostly
European businesses here in america)
what celga needs to keep in mind is this.....
They need to learn how people in other parts of
the world do business if they expect to keep
end of rant |