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Question...Does Anyone Else... (Fri Jun 6 03:45:40 2003 )
meow [View profile ]

See the similarity in these auctions?

The same cels being sold on Y!J(where the seller 
doesn't ship internationally), and then by a 
seller here in the US on E-bay...Can anyone 
explain to me how this is possible, unless it's a 
fraud?  Say...The E-bay seller needs money fast 
and sees this as a fast way to get cash, and then 
in turn buys the cels through a deputy paying 
with a credit card(where the bill would come 
later)...While they get cash in their bank 
account through Paypal?  Or...The E-bay seller 
and Y!J seller are one in the same...But...If 
that's the case...Why won't the seller ship 

What does everyone think?!  And...Yes...They ARE 
the same exact cels...Sequence #'s are clearly 
visible....;P!  Thanx All!

Click h ere for the Y!J Auction

Click here for the Similar/Same cels being sold on E-bay

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