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Re: This looks to be a public sale site, not a dealer? (Thu Jun 26 00:33:52 2003 )
Amerasian Mulatto [View profile ]

Greetings from PowerAnime!

Amerasian Mulatto here.  Don't be discouraged if 
you see my name on EBay.  I'm a good paying 
customer like anyone else out there... check the 

I totally agree with anyone who says some of the 
prices might be slightly inflated as I've noticed 
a couple of DB cels on my site that cost way more 
than I would pay for them, personally... but I 
guess a cel is only worth as much as the amount 
someone's willing to part with, IMHO.

For all those that might ask, yes I do resell 
cels as a hobby, as well as collect, like any 
other online cel dealer on the web.  I just use 
resources that are more available to me.  Is it 
bad that I try to give others overseas an 
opportunity to own a peice of original anime 
art?  If you want to pound on people who are 
trying to gain profits off of selling cels, 
attack the YJ deputy services... they basically 
charge you anywhere between 10-25% of the final 
auction sale for doing what? bidding on an item? 
its not even their responsibility to make sure 
the merchandise is even in good condition.  At 
least when I get a cel I can at least grade it to 
see if its even worth reposting.

I do admit grabbing a few cels from YJ and trying 
to resell them, but only in the light of trying 
to pay for my webhosting costs and start an 
actual brick and mortar anime biz.  Trying to 
earn a living off of anime isn't a sin.  As a 
matter of fact, I applaud all those who are bold 
enough to even try to make anything they enjoy 
most a part of their means of living.

As far as a personal collection, I have it posted 
in my 'About Me' page.  Its small, but more dear 
to me than anything anime.

Ya see? I'm not such a bad guy.  Who knows? My 
lil anime biz is growing, and one day, I might 
have a cel you want (if anymore good ones are 
still available...).  If you're in town for the 
Anime Expo in Cali, swing by Delia's booth! I'll 
be there if anyone really wants to sit down and 
talk about anything troubling them about 


aka Amerasian Mulatto
http://www.PowerAnime.com - Everything Else Just 

PS - Thanks for the deeper, analytical view of 
what has really happened, Charon NLI =)

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