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Now that's not really fair, is it? (Wed Jun 25 20:29:15 2003 )
blueheaven(NLI) [View profile ]

Just because you had a bad time at AX, don't 
discourage others from going by posting stuff 
like this. I blew chunks on Space Mountain when I 
was nine, but I still got on the ride during my 
next visit to Disneyland. I particularly enjoyed 
AX last year, and will be going again this year. 
I agree that it is certainly difficult for those 
near the East coast to get away. I would not mind 
visiting A-KON sometime, but it will be tough. 
Were you part of the volunteer staff at last 
years AX. If so, don't let your staff experience 
overshadow the average visitors experience. I 
found it quite easy to find my way around. Plus, 
it's California! What could be better than five 
days in Orange County? OK, maybe I'm biased 
because I grew up there, but there are few better 
reasons to go to Cali than AX. So I say, for 
those lucky enough to attend, enjoy. And for 
those who had a bad experience, get on the horse 
and try it again. You may be surprised.

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