I've gone for the past 2 years (but not this
year... $$$$).
In 2001 I had a blast in spite of serious
disorganization by the people in charge. Signs,
anyone? We walked for what seemed like years
before finding the registration room, with little
to no guidance from organizers. That was the
biggest problem that year, but the fact that
the "staff" volunteers knew next to nothing about
how to navigate either made it especially
annoying for folks who had never been to Long
Beach before. Long lines are the norm, but if
the staff can't tell you where they begin for
what event, it's pretty pitiful.
Last year the organization was a bit better in
general, but the anime music video contest -- the
primary reason I went aside from shopping -- was
a total disaster. They were still trying to
compile their cute "bumpers" for between the
videos for an hour into the show time (while
several thousand hot and cranky people waited
outside). It got cancelled for that evening 2
hours after showtime, to be rescheduled for 8 am
the following morning. In a word, blah.
I still wish I could go this year as I would love
to see Anaheim and I'd kill to see Crispin
Freeman's Mythology in Anime presentation
again... but money is sorely lacking :-) |