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Can this please be dropped?? (Tue Jun 24 18:05:37 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


This thread is getting really foolish. Pocket 
doesn't want their address to be given out and if 
the people who knew it gave it out to everyone 
who just asked, that would be as good as posting 
it publically. Probably no one is giving out the 
address because when they switched to the new 
URL, Pocket's specific request was that current 
clients had to *WRITE FOR PERMISSION* before 
giving out the address to someone new. So let's 
just let this thread die.

Besides, look on Keep Track and you'll find piles 
of other sites that are arguably better cel 
sources than Pocket. The grass is *not* always 
greener on the other side of the fence.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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