Cute & amusing idea. : ) Five submissions, all written last
night after being up far too late.
Boku No What-The-Hell?
Two men and some corn--
Sorry, that cel freaks me out.
Must not look (again).
[A screenshot of what's being referenced can be found at
this site:
bokunosexualharassment. *coughs* Ew. >_o ]
Three Words: 'Garage Sale, Freak'
Miyazaki cel
on Yahoo Japan; Guess I
don't need *both* kidneys.
Reproduction This
Evil CGI.
Be content with just sketches?
*freaks out* Blasphemer!!
Just Say Maybe
Painted acetate:
Also known as fan-freak crack.
Gimme my hit, man...!
j00'r3 juZ+ j3410uZ
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