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Re: Man, timing stinks again... (Wed Sep 17 05:07:25 2003 )
nesuferit nli [View profile ]

I can't believe that you would complain about
something that was pretty much done to be nice!! 
He didn't have to have the sale at all!  Talk
about ungrateful..

You know, most of us are American and we aren't
complaining about the timing at all.  I don't know
why you aren't at home, but that doesn't give you
the right or wisdom to say that most other people
aren't.  I think you are making a pretty big 
assumption there.  

>>Oh well, I suppose a 
more available dealer may get to profit from my 
business instead.<<

I'm sure that comment wouldn't ruin Yann's day at
all..believe me, he has PLENTY of other customers
who are more than happy to take the cels off his
hands.  If it were me I wouldn't even want you as
a customer..

Sorry for the flame, but your comment really seems
like a bitter attack on Yann because of your own
personal problem/situation.. .

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