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Re: Problem with lack of follow through on dealers part.... (Tue Oct 21 22:50:31 2003 )
yaten [View profile ]

I've had that same problem with one dealer in 
particular... asking them for scans.

The person replied once, saying "yes we have 
cels of that character, I will scan them and 
send you scans"  a month passed, I emailed them 
again, and again.  A few months after my initial 
inquiry, the person got back with me and told me 
the exact same thing they had the first time, 
that they do have cels of that character and 
would send me scans.  Again, nothing for a very 
long period of time.  I finally gave up on the 
person and have just figured 'forget it, if they 
don't want my business, it's their loss.'

However, it did make the dealer seem extremely 
unprofessional. Which irks me, seeing as i've 
heard good things about their general business 
of things simply beeing sold off their site.

As for a way to remedy the situation... I'd say, 
better customer service.  I mean, even if you 
just have to say "hey, i've been too busy to 
scan, im sorry, i'll get to it to you as soon as 
i possibly can."  at least it's something, and 
you're getting an update on the situation, 
rather than just months of nothingness.  It 
might make the customer feel like they are more 
important business to the dealer.

anyhoo, that's my experience, and my opinion... 
I have a feeling we might be talking about the 
same dealer. ^^;;;


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