If you think that...You're in for a rude
If you think you got a cel that's worth $500 on
the normal cel market for $80...You still got
ripped off by the Japanese dealers. You just
paid a stupid price. They probably bought that
cel in the fist place for $15...Or even less if
it was in a bulk sale ;P!
Even if a cel is "cheaper" in Japan...Doesn't
mean AT ALL that all cels from Japan are going to
be cheap. Most japanese cel dealers don't deal
with the WORLD cel market...So they *usually*
only base it on what their cel market is going
for right now. But...A lot of delaers know what
they've got...And don't sell it for love
prices...Some...Even sell for higher than what
the world market is even demanding.
All in all...It's basic supply and
demand...business economics...Whatever. If you
wanna keep thinking Japan sells the cheapest
cels...Then by all means keep your business
there. Keep *believing* they have the cheapest
stuff. That's just your opinion.
But I say good luck in about ten years when there
are no cels left you want, and the only way to
get them is pay 10 times the price they were
offered in the world market for. |