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Re: conclusion~~ (Wed Nov 26 07:13:28 2003 )
nesuferit nli [View profile ]

Well what's sad is that I have heard about people
getting their accounts banned for far less than
what is going on here.  

The seller has almost perfect feedback, and
currently it is all positive, the only neutrals
they have were from 6 mo. or further back.  There
is no way that these two bidders are bidding on
every single cel this person has posted and are
actual buyers, that is just too high of a
coincidence.  There are too many suspicious things
going on here.

I would say, be careful always.  There are shady
characters from all over and you have to go with
your gut feeling.  If you think its too good to be
true or that there is something fishy going on you
might just want to find your cels elsewhere.  

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