aiite..i am not 100% sure...but i would say 95% sure that
this is scammer and this guy is bidding on his auction
with his new ids. it's pathetic...
so, I was browsing, hunting for some new cels that i
might find...and saw this outrageous price..
i think that cel is from game...but it ain't worth $250??
I wouldnt' pay $5 for that cel...
If you see the bidder. THis one (dbz-cel-hunter( 0 ) )
out of 26/ bid 25 times..and he bid consecutively over
and over in every 30-60 sec. So I was
zero feedback and keep bidding over and over his bid
decided to check his other items...
(trunks-is-my-hero( 0 )) and ohh noo...
(dbz-cel-hunter( 0 )) consecutive bids...-_-
well maybe this dbz-cel-hunter( 0 ) guy really likes
some of the cels that's featured...but his consecutive
bids on several items made me go..hmmmmm....
hey, if i am mistaken about this guy..then well...stupid
me..but i seriously don't understand this 26 times
consecutive bids for no apparent reason...if someone
wanna tell me because of reserve...well this guy
apparently had no reserve set.
just heads up to my lovely fellow animanga
collectors~~ make sure you check "history"when you
see too many bids and especially one of these
consecutive bids~~
have nice night all~