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Re: Ooh! Ooh! I can empathise! (Sat Dec 13 05:48:32 2003 )
arrian [View profile ]


I work in a NOC and for the most part we don't 
have to deal with actual users =)  Until 
recently, that is, since some genious decided 
that since remote users connect via the Internet, 
which is a network!, the network team should 
support them.  So what used to be a nice 12 hour 
shift punctuated by a few calls to the telephone 
companies is now full of people who are heading 
off to Europe in the morning who decided to wait 
until 3AM the night before their plane leaves to 
try to dial in remotely, and don't know why they 
can't get in.

In honor of stupid people, here's Akari, who at 
least means well.

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