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A story and and a SHOW ME confusion/stupidity! (Fri Dec 12 04:36:21 2003 )
zerospace [View profile ]

Ok, well.. the story is connected to the show 
me, here. I just started my new job (about 3 
weeks ago) for an internet service provider, and 
WHOA, I swear there should be an IQ requirement 
to buy a computer. ^_^ On with the story:

I had a guy who had managed to get a spamming 
trojan type program on his computer such that 
his computer was being used to send out TONS of 
spam emails. Upon receiving a phone call from 
this guy, he asks me, "well, don't you people 
have virus scanners to pick up that sort of 
thing?" Implying that we, his ISP, are to 
monitor ALL traffic going in and out of his 
computer so that he doesn't get a virus?? 
Forgive me for being floored by this, but this 
leads me to another funny question... this 
opinion has been voiced by many of my company's 
customers... does anyone else want Uncle Sam or 
their ISP policing every move they make on the 

So... to help me vent my frustration with stupid 
people, SHOW ME confusion or just downright 
stupidity in your cels!! I'm going to share one 
of my hubby's favorite anime girls looking very 

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