I know this is off-topic so I wanted to warn anyone who
reads this rant.
Those morons at evilbay do not give a rat's ass about
whether or not we snipe OR if we complain about
anything! I do not mean to come across as crass on this
subject, but in truth I have dealt with ebay for over six
years and their customer service is horrible. Everytime I
ask them as question via email they never answer it.
Instead all I get is lipservice and a form response,
despite, asking them NOT to give one.
Case in point, I do not think I am the onl y one who feels
this way, but I want to easily SEE the NEGATIVE
FEEDBACK for any user. IMO the negative comments
are of greater importance than 100+ positives. I even
asked evilbay about this during a livechat and the rep
said they agreed and would pass the suggestion to add
the html link (like how Yahoo Auctions has it done)
directly to negative feedback to the higher powers.
Well... that suggestion and many more reminders since
then occured over three years ago and many times
thereafter. Evilbay honestly does NOT give a damn
about what you the user say regardless if you are a
seller or buyer. Personally I perfer the format and
layout features of Yahoo auctions but evilbay has more
users so you have to bear the crap the give to reach the
larger audience.
Lastly, I see NOTHING wrong w/sniping... it does not
guarantee anything. IMO you have as much of a
chance of winning as the person who placed the first
bid unless... there is a buy-out price. Personally I see
no point in placing a bid for an item you KNOW will go
high. I'd email the seller and ask about a buyout price
and if it is not possible, no harm... just watchlist it and
be prepared to bid. Also bear in mind technical
problems like the horrible six hour blackout in my area
can impose a bidding problem when there is no power.
=( |