Ebay: bid infrequently, bid low, bid at the last
minute. Expect undescribed damage when the cel
arrives (often in a unreinforced soft legal-sized
envelope marked DO NOT BEND).
YHJ: a mixture. Since my bids come up
as "Animechaos" anyhow, no one knows if I'm
bidding or if sempei or any number of other
madmen are. So I often bid early, counting on
other bidders to recognize that some of
the people who bid under this name have serious
Problem: getting sniped by another Animechaos
bidder who really does have serious money at the
last second in a Bidwar bid.
If I really really want the item, I hold off and
bid close to my max at the last 5 minutes. Then
I watch. If I'm outbid, then I bid my max. The
counterbid is often enough to scare off other
And I watch my tail in the last 30 seconds, with
a really outrageous bid poised to fly if another
AC bidder tries to Bidwar me.
Problem: a Japanese bidder jumps in 10 seconds
from the end with an equally outrageous bid and
suddenly you are responsible for every penny of
your bid.
I don't know ... I guess I try to be lucky. Each
one of my treasured high-middle-end cels has a
different bidding story. On the other hand, I
never never whine over lost cels.
Gilbert and Sullivan chorus chimes in
with "What never???
... well, hardly ever. I figure I have
that much more money to lay down on the next
coveted item. |