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A smile and a *hug*... (Wed Jan 28 06:26:20 2004 )
evilminion [View profile ]

...and a bit of advice from someone who's been
there.  You'll probably find yourself thinking
over the next few days that there should have been
something you could have done, or should have
done, to prevent it... I was 2000 miles away when
an old college friend took his own life, but I
remember vividly feeling like that anyway.  Do
not let this get to you.  We each have the
responsibility for our own lives, and our own
reasons for what we do.

Take this instead as a lesson for yourself, that
no matter how bad things might get, no matter how
depressed you might be, you don't ever want the
people you care about to feel like you're feeling
now.  Find a creative outlet, set a new goal
for yourself, pick up a hobby or a sport, adopt a
cause that needs and relies on your skills or
support... anything to reinforce the truth of your
own self-worth.  Things are only going to get
stressier and tougher as you progress through high
school and into college -- just remember that
you are the one in control, the only one in
charge of building the life that you want.

It's an absolute tragedy that some people never
have the chance to realize their potential, and
far moreso when they cut those chances short
themselves.  :(  You have my utmost sympathy for
the loss of your friend, far too early in life.

As for your request, I hereby present a two-pack
of happy smiles, the most cheerful ones I have. 
Take care of yourself, and remember that it's
NOT your fault.

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