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So sorry to hear that . . . (Wed Jan 28 01:50:45 2004 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

I had a college prep freind that committed suicide
shortly after the end of the college term.  I was
very upset at him for doing it, even more than
being sad.  Really bothered me for a long time
because I kept on having a mixture of anger and
sorrow and guilt for feeling angry at him.  I
didn't really know how to deal with it.  They all
had their problems, as do many highschool/college
students have (family problems, life problems, not
knowing what's in store for you), but even more so
than most and could not find a way out of it
except through death.  I wish I can give you some
more comforting words about this, but there really
isn't much one can say, except whatever the
problem(s) they had is no longer there.

Normally, whenever I feel depressed or worried
about things such as the future (as I do now since
I will be getting out of college in May and the
job market is horrible), I sit and look at this
cel.  His expression is so serene and calm that it
really helps me to calm down.

I hope things will get better for you as well as
the boy's family.  They are the ones that need the
most comforting right now.  

Best Wishes,

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