The image rescaling isn't a permanent thing, just
sort of a "patch". I just put in the ability to
decide whether or not you want to use the auto-
rescaler/splitter this morning and I'm still
working on it.
I only get a few non-work days every once in a
while to work on the site, so sometimes features
are left half-complete but working well enough to
be acceptable.
When complete, you'll have the option of turning
on or off the auto-scaler (will always have some
degree of artifacting) and password protection of
large scans (will be the exact file you uploaded)
on or off. IMO, the best of both worlds would be
using the automatic splitter combined with the
ability to open a full-size scan in a new window.
Screencaps beat everything outside of a large
watermark, though. (We can also do that
automatically.) Keep in mind it's hard to appease
both people who want pixel-perfect scans and
people who don't want their pixel-perfect scans
to be used on someone else's website. |