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I took a look-see and... (Tue Mar 2 15:08:41 2004 )
sensei [View profile ]

... I can live with the changes.  I was concerned 
about some of my big pans, since the major change 
is that all images are now auto-sized to a 
standard number of horizontal pixels.  Sideways 
pans cels are reduced more than up-and-down 
pans.  But the reductions seem to have been done, 
in my case, without any undue blurriness.

From what I can see, the images are now split 
into many more than four segments, as many as 8 
or 12 in some of my big pans.

The only objection that I have is that sketches 
are also auto-sized, but to an even smaller 
scale.  I had a few images where I'd scanned in 
several sketches in a genga set from left-to-
right (since the character was stepping 
backward), and this image is now reduced below 
viewability.  I guess I'll have to scan the set 
top-to-bottom now or else delete it altogether.

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