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Oh, Please.......-_- (Wed Mar 17 19:25:48 2004 )
Cel Addict (nli) [View profile ]


 Oh Please, It is hardly the same thing as you 
and the above post say regarding adding items to 
the search engine and the cable company. Adding 
to the search engines takes very few minutes, you 
search and add a link, whooo! that was hard. And 
in any case, you sign up for cable because you 
want the channels that they offer, the same would 
be with Rinkya, if they had selections that I 
would be interested in. I am not going to sign up 
for something that has nothing I am interested 
in. Also, Rinkya would not be losing any business 
by adding links to their search engine because in 
the long run other "members" may be placing bids 
from that search as well. The more links the more 
chances you have at increasing your business. 
That is common business practice, offer more, 
receive more.

 -Cel Addict

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