Thanks, that helps :)
I honestly can't get upset with the coyotes.
They're marvelous to have as neighbors, wonderful
to listen to on a summer night when they sing at
the moon. I think I'd be feeling nearly as
bereft if they suddenly got displaced. And as
far as they're concerned, little furry things
that wander around outside are food. That's why
we've kept these critters inside.
We think, after further brain-scouring, that it's
most likely she took advantage of the sprinkler
repairmen the other day and slipped out during
one of their discussions with Spousal Unit.
Nothing like a little disraction to make you miss
a small grey shadow slipping by your feet.
She'll be sorely missed, but I do have a lot of
good moments to remember.
Her favorite anime, by the way, was Inuyasha. I
think all that hair flipping around the screen
fascinated her :-).