That's more of a *bawwll*. I surely can listen
and relate to that.
I'm afraid that, as at funerals, there's not much
I can think of to say that would not seem trite
and contrived.
We also live adjacent to wild property with
coyotes and bears and mooses, and we have to
watch the 4 cats carefully to make sure they
don't sneak out, and I know from personal
experience that I would feel very badly if I were
in your place now. Well, maybe I can say
something, that's a little future-focussed.
There's no replacing a gone cat. We still miss
Boo Bear, our champagne Burmese, these many years
later. There was no replacing Boo Bear after
what happened to him, but we honored his memory
by asking Bubbito-chan (a Tonkinese kitten) to
take over Boo's duties, and Bubby-chan has
brought us a lot of his own kind of goodness.