Save yourself from frustration and e-mail you do
not want to answer. Explain what the water mark
in the item description, easy enough!
Being and anime fan and stepping from pencil
boards to cels is a scary venture. Especially
when you see the prices everywhere. I doubt' any
of these people would consider spending $400.00
without some thought. So questions not so stupid.
There are definitions to cels and the numbering,
if they are key be found, but even a new
person who would be a serious collector can apply
this rule to what they see only for sale, and
then spend hard earned bucks on it.
The seller knows the most about the cel. Fill the
prespective buyer in! The condition of the cel
and its number. Pencil yes or no. And please
explain the water mark. The more you tell the
less e-mail.
Trying to save both parties the grief! :-)