Oh my gosh. I just have to get this off my
please someone tell me they feel my pain.
I got SO MANY STUPID questions about my
cels during the past few weeks.
the one that really irritates me the most
though is the one "is "cel belongs to aimee
major" really on the cel?"
O_O! what IDIOT would actually write their
name on a cel!! doesn't anyone know what a
watermark is?!
I got like 5 emails asking me if I wrote my n
ame on the cels I was selling.
there is a difference between asking good
and fine questions like "is there any cel
damage" or "does it come with a drawing" or
"what number is the cel"
that's different and perfectly fine and I'm
perfectly happy to answer those questions
I had one person email me to ask what a
cleanup drawing was.
mind this is a $300+ cel I'm selling.
someone's spending $100 to $400 on a cel
and they dont even know or appreciate what a
cleanup drawing is??
I'm almost tempted to request to keep the
drawing. they're probably going to ruin it when
they get becuase they dont know what it is.
"what's this crappy drawing? I dont need that I
have the cel"
or another one, "how can you tell its from X
when it very clearly in the scan has the
company stamp on it.
I guess I could understand this type of thing if
you were just starting in cel collecting... but I
find it dangerous and questionable when
someone who knows so little is buying
something so expensive.
probably gonna get flamed for this, but I am
SOOOOO CRANKY today, I had to say
*beats head against desk repeatedly* |