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Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question about reproduction cels (Thu May 16 23:56:52 2002 )
Author: xelloss [View profile]
URL: http://xelloss.com
E-mail : cels@xelloss.net

I think you both have a point.

Ray's point is that some posters are more limited 
or wanted than certain reproduction cels, and may 
wind up being more valuable than some 
reproduction cels.

Yann's point is that it can cost more to make 
something that is handmade than machine made.

However, there is no way to say that all repros 
are worth more than all posters, or vice versa.  
I've seen signed *new* posters go for thousands, 
or unsigned old posters.  I've seen repros go 
from $50-$3000.  Basically, the comparision has 
to be done on a case by case basis ^^



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