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Subject: My first webpage had 3 (more) (Thu May 16 04:35:13 2002 )
Author: Kams-nli [View profile]
URL: http://kamiki.rubberslug.com
E-mail : kamiki_chan@yahoo.com

My first lil gallery I opened on Geocities in 
March had only 3 or 4 cels ^^;  Now it has quite 
a bit more, although my collection's far from 
impressive.  However, my traffic seems pretty 
steady...  posting updates every now in then when 
you've gotten 3 or more cels in, or a dream cel, 
plus just regualr posting to the forum seems to 
help :)

Since then I've moved to www.rubberslug.com  and 
I love it!  

Shameless plug:  http://kamiki.rubberslug.com



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