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Subject: Hrmmm... (Thu May 16 01:54:20 2002 )
Author: Misha [View profile]
E-mail : otakugrl22@aol.com

...I think I only had 7 when I opened mine up. 
The most important thing is to create a design 
that handles showing both large amounts and small 
amounts of cels well - my gallery was cute for 
showing a small collection, but when my 
collection began to grow the pages became too 
bulky (I still go back and look at what a mucky 
code horror that was ^^;;). If you design a 
website with that in mind early on, you won't 
have to go back and design the whole thing all 
over again, which I'm finding is much harder once 
you have a larger collection...

...soon...soon I will be done...

Back to writing descriptions for me...


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