Well, not rally, anyway, I have days like that a
lot. A lot of things happened this year and the
strain of money going towards this hobby gets me
cel depressed a lot of the times. Why once in a
while I'll be like, "Yeah, I am giving it up or
taking a break!" then have those moments where I
buy everything I love in sight and then pay for
it later. Good thing, most of my cels this month
are gifts. I love X-Mas. I tend to get that way
too, wanting to just sell a lot of them and be
done with it, so have those stages, including
those where all of a sudden will sell off a few
cels or give them away to friends. 0_o Then a
week later I'm fine-back in the game. Take a
break if you need and find out if that is really
what you want to do before taking any big leaps
in any direction. As Doctor Phill always
says, "If it's a great idea today it still will
be a great idea two weeks from now." Right? If
you feel same after taking a break and seeing
what is what, then you must do what you think you
must do. Good journey! I've been there, bet we
all have too:) |